Joyful PSU Thai Cultural Camp 2019

       The sixth amazing summer program in the “Land of Smiles” was successfully arranged by the PSU International Affairs Office, Hat Yai Campus, from 7 to 27 July, 2019. The 21-day enriching cultural camp offered unique insight about Thailand, its traditions and way of life, for the participating 42 students from Austria, Brunei Darussalam, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Myanmar, P.R. China, Taiwan, UK and Vietnam. Participants enjoyed learning Thai language, cooking Thai dishes, playing traditional Thai music instruments, practicing traditional Thai medicine, and learning about Thai culture and way of life. The organizers were assisted by ten enthusiastic Thai students who accompanied the foreign participants to classes, activities and trips.

       Off-campus, the camp offered field trips to the Handicraft Learning Center Varni Krajood in Phatthalung province and to a local village in Sating Pra, Songkhla province, showcasing the way of life of rural communities in southern Thailand. An excursion to Krabi was organized in the middle of the camp, including a one-day trip to white-sand islands. In addition, participants experienced rafting in the tropical rivers of Satun, and enjoyed visiting many cultural and historical places in Songkhla.

       PSU Thai Cultural Camp 2019 was a memorable and wonderful experience for all participants and organizers. It created new bonds of friendship among PSU students and participating international students, promoting intercultural understanding and appreciation.