
PSU offers different types of on-campus housing to new members of staff. There are two different types of accommodations: single and family units. If you are a visiting academic, PSU may provide temporary accommodation at the Guest House. Please contact your relevant PSU faculty in advance if you want to get on-campus accommodation.

Some foreigners may opt to lease housing in town. Most apartments in Hat Yai and the surrounding areas are similar to studio apartments - a single room with a restroom and balcony. Houses may also be rented, if you let your PSU contact know well in advance.


  • Housing: 074 28 2174, 074 28 2179, internal calls: 2174, 2179
  • PSU Electricity Office: 074 28 2179, 074 28 2187, internal calls: 2179, 2187
  • PSU Waterworks Office: 074 28 2179, 074 28 2199, internal calls: 2179, 2199
  • Security Office: 074 55 8863, 074 28 2190-1, internal calls: 2190-1