PSU to develop students based on the aspiration "Our soul is for the benefit of mankind"

       PSU focuses on developing students to embrace honesty, wisdom and service mind, living up to the royal aspiration "Our soul is for the benefit of mankind".

       Asst. Prof. Supote Kovitaya, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Affairs, said that the university has been developing and supporting students to become better people through the following two principles:

  1. Incorporating the concept “Our soul is for the benefit of mankind” into academic life. All faculties involve their students in various community service activities such as cleaning, renovating, painting, building a library, renovating and developing temples, mosques, schools and other places, according to the context of each faculty.
  2. One hundred hours of activities throughout four years of study. The first year emphasizes university life, followed by community learning activities in the second year. The third year focuses on experiences, such as domestic and international study trips, while the fourth year is about preparation for working life. Students receive transcripts of the activities they participated in.

       Vice President Supote added that, as all hospitals face blood shortage due to COVID-19, Student Development and Alumni Affairs organizes blood donation activities together with the PSU Staff Council and the PSU Alumni Association. The aim of the project is to reach 5,500,000 cc. of donated blood, to signify the occasion of the university’s 55th year of existence in 2022.

       The Vice President further revealed that around 10,000 students enroll at PSU each year in various fields. The university aims to train students to embrace honesty, wisdom and service mind, realizing that these strong inner values hold steady against dynamic global challenges. PSU insists to build great character for people to serve society.