PSU Delegates visit South China Agricultural University


PSU Delegates visit South China Agricultural UniversityPSU Delegates visit South China Agricultural University

A group of 35 PSU academics and students, led by Dr. Suwaluk Wisunthorn, Assistant President for Administration and Quality Assurance, visited South China Agricultural University (SCAU), P.R. China, from June 7-18, 2015. The objective of the visit was to exchange knowledge and experiences among PSU and SCAU lecturers and students, under the MOU Addendum 2014-2015 between the two universities.

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The visit was a great opportunity for PSU delegates and SCAU representatives to learn from each other in the fields of Natural Resources, Engineering, Management Sciences and Communication Sciences, by joining academic activities at the related SCAU faculties. PSU academics and students had the chance to discover the outstanding research work of their Chinese colleagues.

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Moreover, PSU delegates gained a lot of experience regarding the Chinese culture and traditions, by joining trips around Guangzhou city and enjoying various cultural activities arranged by SCAU.