PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias, Zhengzhou

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias Zhengzhou

          On May 23-25, 2019, PSU executives Asst. Prof. Dr. Thakerng Wongsirichot, Vice President for International Affairs, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Ophat Kaosaiyaporn, Assistant President for Media and Educational Technology Development, attended an international conference about artificial intelligence and education in Zhengzhou City, P.R. China.  The conference was organized by the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), in collaboration with the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) and Sias University.

          Conference participants shared and learned about best practices regarding the concept  “Future Higher Education Models in the era of Artificial Intelligence.”  Both PSU representatives took advantage of the chance to explore the issue in-depth and gain knowledge from keynote speakers, especially about STEM education and the fast-growing field of artificial intelligence. 

          Additionally, it was a great opportunity for them to learn more about the diversity of working towards better internationalization, and to promote PSU among participants at the conference.


PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias

PSU Executives attend AI Education Conference in Sias