PSU International Affairs Office organized the training workshop “Protocol and Etiquette in Reception”

PSU International Affairs Office, together with the Educational Services Division, organized the training workshop “Protocol and Etiquette in Reception". The event was held on April 21-22, 2015 at Room no. 210, PSU President Office, and at Hansa JB Hotel, by Dr. Suntud Sasivanich, distinguished keynote speaker from Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The workshop was attended by more than 50 PSU officers and administrators from five campuses, with Asst. Prof. Dr. Ram Yamsaengsung, Assistant President for International Affairs presiding and moderating the event.

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Dr. Suntud relayed useful knowledge, guidance and practices that will make PSU International Affairs officers more skilled in the areas of social life, negotiations, diplomatic etiquette, foreign and domestic reception, courteous hospitality and international dining manners.