Taiwan Education Session at PSU

Taiwan Education Session at PSU

On November 19, 2015, PSU hosted a dynamic Taiwan Education Session in Hat Yai Campus. During this event, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pattara Aiyarak, PSU Vice President for Global Relations and Informatics, warmly welcomed distinguished delegates from four Taiwanese universities, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tamkang University, Taipei Medical University and National Taipei University of Technology, as well as the Director of Taiwan Education Center in Thailand and representatives from Elite Study in Taiwan Project Office.

Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU

The event provided the opportunity to participating PSU staff and students to learn more about the education system in Taiwan and Taiwanese institutions of higher learning. The welcoming meeting with the PSU leadership was followed by captivating presentations on Taiwan's higher education and the four participating Taiwanese universities. After the presentations, interested staff and students had the chance to meet one-on-one with the representatives of the universities and asked more details on various educational matters.

The Taiwan Education Session was also a great chance for PSU to initiate cooperation with more Taiwanese universities and explore the possibility for developing new collaborative activities in areas of mutual interest.

 Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU

Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU

 Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU

Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU

Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU Taiwan Education Session at PSU