ISCPSU 2009 Sport Competition - Badminton and table tennis


 ISCPSU organized a friendly sport competition among the international and Thai students of PSU, from December 18-20, 2009. The event included badminton and table tennis competitions. The badminton competition was held at the indoor badminton court from December 18-19, and the table tennis competition on December 20 at the sports complex. Both competitions were organized separately for men and women. The event was organized by the ISCPSU members Sunny from China (Sports Secretary), Khairun Nizam from Indonesia (Vice-president), Sajid Maqsood from India (Secretary) and Choo from Thailand.

The opening ceremony took place on December 18, 2009 at the badminton court. The ISCPSU committee’s advisor, Dr. Prawat Wettayaprasit from the Faculty of Natural Resources, and the president of ISCPSU, Mr. Sazedul Hoque from Bangladesh, Ph.D student at the Faculty of Agro-Industry, addressed a welcome speech.

The two days of badminton competition were challenging, exciting and enjoyable for all participants. The winners, for the men category, were Mr. Sajid Maqsood (India) and Mr. Tetish (Indonesia). For the women section, the winning pair was Miss Wevii (New Zealand) and Miss Peao (Thailand). Many international and Thai students participated and also enjoyed the table tennis competition. The winners of this competition were Mr. Jack from China and Miss Naam Waahn from Thailand. In the end, all participants were gratefully awarded with nice t-shirts.

Overall, the sports competition organized by ISCPSU was a great success and a good response was shown from the international and Thai students. Everyone had a lot of fun participating in such a wonderful and joyful sporting event. Congratulation to all members of PSU International Student Club and thanks for their active participation and cooperation. Special thanks to our Thai friends who acted as a bridge between the International and Thai students.