International Students Association (PSU-ISA)

Contact Information

3rd floor, Student Activity Building, Rong Chang ("Elephant Canteen")
Prince of Songkla University
Hat Yai, Songkhla
Thailand, 90110

Phone: (+66) 85-042-3155
Facebook: isapsu



The up-to-date list of the International Students Association Board (as of 2017 January):

Umesh Patil Ms. Nang Thinn Thinn    (Myanmar)

President, ISAPSU

Faculty of Engineering
Facebook: nang.thin.9
Junaidy Suparman Rustam Ms. Hnin Thiri Chaw    (Myanmar)

Vice-President, ISAPSU

Faculty of Engineering
Facebook: hninthirichaw
Muhammad Nouman Mr. Sophos J. Chea    (Cambodia)

Secretary, ISAPSU

Faculty of Science
Facebook: sophos.j.chea
Ni Kadek Ayu Suarningsih Ni Kadek Ayu Suarningsih    (Indonesia)

Treasurer, ISAPSU

Faculty of Nursing
Facebook: Ayu Melin
Mithun Paul Hui Qiao    (China)

Sports Secretary, ISAPSU

Facebook: hui.qiao.520
Troy Santos Troy Santos    (USA)

Joint Secretary, ISAPSU

Faculty of Natural Resources
Facebook: troysanots
Anneke Meelhuysen Anneke Meelhuysen    (Indonesia)

Public Relations, ISAPSU

Faculty of Natural Resources
Facebook: anneke24