PSU organized trade show and exhibitions using digital platform technology, developing manpower for the digital economy and society

       From 24 to 26 June 2022, the PSU Office of Human Resources and Social Mission held a trade show and exhibitions using digital platform technology at Central Festival Hat Yai, Songkhla. Asst Prof. Dr. Pongthep Sutheravut, PSU Vice President for Planning and Public Policy, presided over the opening ceremony, emphasizing the development of manpower in all fields under the mission "PSU upgrading the use of digital platform technology to business 4.0". The aims of the mission are to promote the development of digital platforms to answer the users’ needs, and to develop the digital skills of small and medium enterprises, start-up enterprises, and local government groups, by transferring digital technology knowledge and expertise.

       The event featured several engaging activities, such as trade fairs, exhibitions of various products, and interesting talks on a variety of topics, including “PSU, upgrading the use of digital platform technology to business 4.0”, “New economic medicinal plants for use in Thai traditional medicine and alternative medicine”, “Entrepreneurs using digital platform technology for homestay hotel management system”, and “Entrepreneurs using digital platform technology DIGITAL World to Metaverse”. Various entertainment shows complemented the event, such as a mini concert, magic shows and flash sales.